Reminder: The non-calling official takes care of the fouling out procedure – notify the coach, inform the timer to start the 15-second time frame to replace, notify the player, and administer the substitutions. Rules Guide, crew of two Manual, page 50. Foul Procedures B 10 and C 1,2, 3.
Maintain eye contact with partner especially during substitutions, double whistles, foul shots and more so after timeouts.
Net flip ups on the rim after a score, stop the game and fix it. If no score is involved, wait for ball to settle, stop the game and fix it.
Intentional foul on shooter on a 3-point try a) that is successful b) that is unsuccessful. Ruling: In a) count the score and award 2 free throws. In b) award 3 free throws.
Intentional foul on shooter on a 2-point try a) that is successful b) that is unsuccessful. Ruling: In a) count the score and award 2 free throws. In b) award 2 free throws
In both cases, do not line up the players. Put the ball back in play at the nearest of the 4 designated spots to where the foul occurred in the front court. If it is in the back court, the throw-in is at the nearest spot to where the foul occurred.
From last night’s conference call with IAABO National here are a few things to consider.
At this point in the year everyone is tired, frustrated, or can’t wait for the season to get over. Sectionals are right around the corner so be sure to recharge.
With coaches – don’t ignore, always try to acknowledge in some way. Respond to questions, not statements, make eye contact, get to them during a dead ball, if possible. Four possible responses to tell a coach:
- I might have missed that one (maybe once a night)
- Coach, you might be right I will make sure I get a better look next time
- I had a really good look.
- Coach, I got that one right!
- Get into a proper initial starting position
- Adjust as necessary
- Standing still does not work
- Rotate and get to the ballside as lead, especially in Crew of 3.
- Know your PCA’s then expand when appropriate.
- Move to improve
General Observations
- Trail is too deep especially in Crew of three – the 28’ mark is your guide.
- Trail is getting straight lined too often – move to get under the players – clean line of sight.
- Lead has been too wide when the ball goes to the opposite side. Remember the ball dictates where you should be, especially when it is above the foul line. At least close down to the B position.
- Too much ball watching when it is above the foul line by the lead especially in Crew of two.
- Trust your partner – if you are coming in to grab a foul outside your PCA, be right and be needed.
- Once a player has executed a jump stop (jumping off one foot and landing on two simultaneously) he CANNOT take another step as it is a traveling violation. He can, however, pick up one foot to pass or shoot.
- Guard initiated contact does not mean the foul is on the defense if LGP has been established.
- Switch on ALL fouls.
- When ruling block charges was it an equal and opposite reaction by the defense or did he embellish?
- There are 5 delay of game warnings: Any one warning given covers all 5 for the same team:
- Breaking the plane of the boundary line on a throw-in
- Contacting the free thrower or huddling with two or more players in the lane before a free throw thus delaying the administration of the free throw
- Interfering with the ball after a goal
- Not having the court ready for play after a time out.
- Not immediately passing the ball to the nearest official when a whistle is sounded
- The faking being fouled warning is totally separate from the above.
- Undergarments for away uniforms can ONLY be black or the predominant color of the jersey. Home jerseys must be white and have a white undergarment. Please enforce as we have had some issues this year. They simply cannot play with illegal apparel.
- Accessories such as wristbands, arm sleeves, head bands, knee sleeves, tights, can be white, beige, black, or the predominant color of the uniform. All players wearing accessories must match in color on the same team. Can black uniforms wear white arm sleeves? YES!
- To start the game clock signal is with an open palm with fingers closed in a chopping motion, NOT with a clenching the fist signal as is not an approved IAABO signal. Please Use proper IAABO mechanics and signals.
- If an official’s whistle occurs so close to the end of a quarter or period that the timer is unable to stop the clock in time and the horn sounds, the quarter and any related activity is completed, the period is over, unless the officials have definite knowledge as to how much time remained, which may be put back on the clock.
- Contacting a player during a throw-in who is out of bounds is a intentional personal foul.
- Reaching through the plane during a throw-in is a delay of game warning.
- Reaching through the plane during a throw-in and contacting or dislodging the ball is a technical foul.
- Make sure players are out of their huddles and ready to play during timeouts with the second horn. If they are not ready, put the ball on the floor and start the count if it is a throw-in.
- If there is a warning, make sure both coaches know and it is noted in the scorebook.
- Please be a good communicator as we have had a number of instances where coaches are at a loss when they have not been informed as to what is taking place.