End of the season reminders for first year and JV Officials!

Reimbursement: You are eligible to be reimbursed half of your fingerprinting fee. A receipt must be given to Dan Goebert through a picture or email. Dan’s contact info is [email protected] and (585) 500-8380. Please include your name with the message. There is a hard deadline of March 15th to submit these. If Dan does not receive the receipt by then, it is too late and no reimbursement will happen.

Offseason Opportunities: There will be tons of chances to keep working throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Basketball is year round. Typically emails will be sent out as tournaments and leagues get closer so please keep your eyes out. The best way to get better to is to continue working with purpose. 
Banquet: Our end of season banquet is Monday, March 31 at Penfield Country Club, 7 PM. This is a really fun event and you do not need to pay, it is included in your dues. There are tons of appetizers and a sit down meal. Bring cash for the bar and there is a great 50/50 and gift raffle. You must RSVP by March 19 through the email link or by contacting Mike Aiello.
Next Year/Dues: If you plan to ref next year the dues are due by April 15. After this date there will be a late fee. What you paid this year was to officiate this year and as a new member dues are paid in advance for next year. Dues are $105 and can be sent to Dan Goebert by Venmo, Zelle, check, or cash in person. 
Venmo is @daniel-goebert
Checks-made out to RDBABO and sent to 2845 Saint Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617. 
Referrals: If you have any family, friends, or coworkers that you think would be a good fit please pass along their names and emails. We anticipate the clinic will start in late September/early October next year and are always looking for quality candidates.
Thank You: Lastly, thank you for all your hard work this year. What we do is not easy and I appreciate the time you took away from your families to try something new and out of your comfort zone. My hope is that you learned something new, appreciate officiating, met good people along the way, and continue with it next year. If timing didn’t work out for you this year we would love to have you back next year. Any questions please let me know.

— Keegan Ryan, Board 60 Clinic