Board 60 first instituted a clinic training program for new officials in 1942 and renamed it in 2022 to recognize and honor Paul Conley, a long-time official who selflessly devoted countless hours to train and support our newest officials. Board 60’s clinics or instructional classes typically being in late September and continue through the winter sports seasons in room 262 at Brighton High School, unless otherwise noted.

Clinics cover the rules as well as on-court mechanics and situations. Most clinics start at 7 p.m. and last about 90 minutes.

All officials are required to attend a specific number of meetings, take a test, purchase a uniform, get fingerprinted (per New York State requirements), pay dues, and meet other requirements to remain in good standings to be eligible to officiate.

Also, the International Association of Approved Board Officials (IAABO) supplements Board 60’s new officials training program with mandatory virtual trainings through its IAABO University program. These virtual trainings are available in the offseason to provide new officials knowledge of the rules prior to the start of the high school sports.

Sub-varsity officials are required to attend six (6) clinics to be eligible to take the annual rules exam, typically held in November. There is no makeup date for the exams. Officials are also required to attend at least one of the annual interpretation meetings, along with other requirements.

Visit our frequently asked questions guide, view our meeting dates, and complete a new member interest form to start your journey in becoming a certified Section V boys basketball official.