Thomas Emmanuel Sportsmanship Award

Welcome to the Thomas Emmanuel Sportsmanship Award for this season. Please follow the directions as indicated. It is important to rate the schools in a timely manner. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and valuable to both the membership and our partnership with the schools in Section V. 

Important reminders:

  1. No coach of a school will be eligible to win the TESA if anybody involved with their program is ejected from a game by an official. This includes all spectators, coaches, players, and cheerleaders. If you have such an ejection, check the appropriate box on the rating form and send me an email at [email protected].
  2. The results are mailed to the Athletic Director and Head Coach. This includes the school score, league score and the overall rank and ALL COMMENTS are included. Therefore, it’s VERY IMPORTANT to keep your comments professional, constructive, concise, relevant etc. DO NOT place your name in the comment section.


  1. Rate both schools you work for on a given night. Rate in each category for the entire season regardless of how many times you officiate a particular team. If you have a team multiple times, submit multiple ratings.
  2. If you officiate a game that involves a team not serviced by Board 60, there is no need to rate them. If you feel a comment is warranted, place it in the home team’s comment section.
  3. Any concerns in this area(s) of greeting, vouchers, security, and dressing room access can be addressed in the remarks section or directly with our president if necessary. All schools are now on a level playing field regardless of their facilities and on court sportsmanship is of paramount importance.
  4. Be objective and do not rate on hearsay, reputation, etc. Keep in mind the rating numbers and what they represent:
    10-9 Outstanding
    8-7 Exceeds expectations
    6-5 Average
    *4-3 Below Average
    *2-1 Does not meet acceptable standards
    Ratings of 4 or below must have a specific comment which will be shared but your identity will be protected.
  5. Provide as much information as possible. SPECIFIC COMMENTS ARE GREATLY ENCOURAGED! Your input is the only way thus can be a meaningful tool. If you don’t get involved or overlook an incident, then we will not have the total picture which defeats the purpose of the award.
  6. The online submission deadline is Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  7. PLEASE PARTICIPATE! YOUR INPUT IS VERY IMPORTANT! This is Board 60’s most prestigious award, and the schools take it very seriously. Let’s all strive to make it the best it can be.
  8. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions.
    Respectively submitted,

Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions. Thank you,

Joe Ryder
Chairperson – TESA Committee
[email protected]